
How To Bond With Newborn Baby Mom Blog

New Baby Poems

New baby poems are a great way to express your joy and best wishes for the new arrival and its family.

For parents and relatives, these newborn sayings and poems are cute to use for the baby announcement cards, for your photo album or scrapbook for baby, as a nursery decoration (have the poem printed on canvas), etc.

faded arms and hands of baby in background with text 'tiny little baby so precious and small, welcome to the world, we love you all!' they are precious and small! (c) E. Dittmer

Baby poems can be funny but they can also be descriptive, religious or contemplating. There are special poems for baby girls, baby boys and for twins. And there are also poems for special occassions such as Christmas baby poems or poems for baby's first birthday.

Find a selection of various new baby poems so you'll certainly find one that 'suits your style'.

Instead of a baby poem you may also like to cite funny newborn quotes or inspirational baby quotes .

baby feet and baby quote: there's nothing quite so sweet as tiny little baby feet'.

There's nothing quite so sweet as tiny little baby feet!

Use New Baby Poems To Spice Up And Personalize Your:

  • Baby Congratulations Card / Baby Shower Card
  • Baby Announcement Cards
  • Scrapbook
  • Baby Time Capsule
  • Baby Nursery (Canvas Art)
  • Photo Gift For New Grandparents
  • Decorate Your Baby Gift Wrap

baby feet and text: Having a newborn brings a whole new meaning to the saying having a baby changes everything!

New Baby Poems

Here is a short new baby poem I wrote myself. You can use it - for personal use only- on your baby congratulations card and adjust it to your needs:

Tiny little baby*, so precious and small, welcome to the world, we love you all!

(* instead of baby alternatively use baby's name or if twins use both baby names, or write instead: baby boy, baby girl, twin babies, triplets)

baby congratulations card with giraffes and elephant German baby poem (translated by Eva Dittmer)

More New Baby Poems And Verses

It is a great responsibility, says caution.
It is a tremendous burden, says  experience.
It is the greatest happiness, says love.
It is our child, we say. Unique and precious!

-German baby poem, translated by Eva Dittmer

A baby is one thing the whole world adores -

and the best part of all is that this one is yours!

Your parents give you their tenderness,
their patience, all their love.
You give them in return your amazement,
your smile, your joy,
your absolute confidence.

A new baby: Feelings you cannot describe. Love that has come true.
Certainty, to hold the most valuable on earth in your arms.

Who says there is no magic in the world, has never experienced the birth of a child.

Who says wealth is everything, has never seen a child smile.

Who says this world is beyond saving, has forgotten that children represent hope.

The birth of a baby is only the start of a love that continues to grow,

for babies can bring special joys to the heart that only proud parents can know.

A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more.
Brightening your world as never before.

To look at a newborn is like finally opening a package you looked at and have been curious about for many months - and then its contents is a miracle of perfection that surpasses all you ever dreamed of.

May you touch dragonflies and stars, dance with the fairies and talk

to the moon. May you grow up with love and gracious hearts and

people who care. Welcome to the world, little one

- it's been waiting for you!

A baby is a blessing, a gift from heaven above,

a precious little angel, to cherish and love.

Babies are angels that fly to the earth, their wings disappear at the time of their birth. One look in their eyes and we are never the same, they are part of us now and that part has a name. That part is your heart and a bond that will not sever, our babies are angels, we love them forever!

We loved you from the very start,

you stole our breath,

embraced our hearts.

Our life together has just begun,

you're a part of us, little one!

A wee bit of heaven  drifted down from above
A handful of happiness,  a heart full of love.
The mystery of life,  so sacred and sweet
The giver of joy  so deep and complete.
Precious and priceless,  so lovable, too
The world's sweetest miracle, baby, is you.

(Helen Steiner Rice)

Two tiny feet that wave in the air,

two tiny hands that tug at your hair,

cute bottom for padding,

adorable face, a bundle of joy,

to love and embrace!

With a little one by your side -

your daily routine becomes an adventure,

sand becomes a castle,

colors become a painting,

a puddle becomes an ocean,

a plan becomes a surprise

and habits become life!

- German new baby poem, translated by Eva Dittmer

Until you've...

counted little fingers, counted little toes, held a little hand,

kissed a little nose, soothed a little tummy, read to little ears,

powdered a little booty, wiped away little tears,

... you haven't known love.

More New Baby Poems For Baby Girls and Boys

It is even more personal if the gender of the new arrival or little one is mentioned in your poem. I have created two separate pages with verses, sayings and congratulations especially for newborn baby girls and also for new baby boys.

Here is a collection of poems for baby girls.

Here you find baby boy poems.

Poems For Twin Babies

happy boy and girl twin toddlers wearing Elmo shirts

There's two to wash and two to dry. There's two who argue and two who cry. There's two to kiss and two to hug. But best of all, there's two to hug!

Twenty fingers, twenty toes,
 plenty of work, heaven knows.
Four little arms to hold tight,
 four little cheeks to kiss night-night.

Two sets of hands and two sets of eyes, twins are such a delightful surprise!

Not one little bundle... but two, the stork dropped off to you!

Two precious bundles, to cuddle and kiss - life just doesn't get any better than this!

You know what they say, two heads are better than one.

And with twins in the family, you'll have double the fun!

More new baby poems for twins & twin baby congratulations.

Triplet Babies Poems

newborn triplets laying on their backs the floor, two girls and a boy

30 little fingers and 30 little toes -

plenty of work, heaven knows!

3 beautiful babies to our delight,

6 little cheeks to kiss goodnight!

Three sets of clothes, three sets of shoes
Three tummies to feed, no time to snooze.
Sometimes they scream, sometimes they shout,
By the end of the day, you're all worn out.
Each precious smile, each sweet little hug,
But best of all, there's three to love!

- simply adjust the numbers for twins, quadruplets, etc. -

Like peas in a pod, tucked safely away, three new little babies                                                           are blooming today!


                 Many good things come in threes, like Charly's Angels,                               the Musketeers and ABCs.

But triplets simply are the best of all - whether they are big or small!

What to write in your

- baby congratulations card

- baby shower card

Family Christmas Poems and baby's first Christmas poems .

If you know any more cute new baby poems or if you even write baby poems yourself, it would be nice of you to share them with us! Just use the contact me page, thank you!

Find even more baby poems here.

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How To Bond With Newborn Baby Mom Blog


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