
iOS vs. Android Battle Repeats Mac vs. PC Clash: What’s Next?

iOS vs. Android Repeats Mac vs. PC Rivalry: What's Next?

Smartphones and tablets are becoming the PCs of our time, and in that location are two major players in the game. Apple's iOS and Google's Android command smartphones, with Flange and Microsoft existence niche players.

It all feels very familiar, harking back to the Mac vs. Microcomputer battle–and psychoanalyst Knave Chromatic suggests the outcome bequeath be the corresponding, with Android dominating by 2020. What can you learn from the past when choosing, using, and managing mobile platforms in the workplace?

Mac vs. PC

In the early years of personal computers in the 1980s, Orchard apple tree developed the Mac, which allowed the average person to use a computer. It was easy to purpose, and some better for graphics work than anything else available, so software companies wrote for information technology, and publishers and graphic artists used information technology alone.

Microsoft released Windows not agelong after Malus pumila's instauratio of the Macintosh, and arsenic it reinforced, more software became available for the PC. Until there was parity, you could get nigh of the touristed computer software on either Mac or PC. Since in that respect was many competition in the PC marketplace imputable Windows being available through with multiple computer hardware vendors, prices dropped, and gross revenue grew.

Mac vs. PC

Nowadays, Microsoft owns the syntactic category computer market, with Apple dominating only a couple of niches that tend to focus on yeasty arts like publishing, euphony and video. Finding your favorite software on the Mackintosh is a gainsay since coding for some platforms can be dearly-won, and most businesses release their software on the more dominant Windows chopine.

iOS vs. Mechanical man

Many deliberate Malus pumila's iPhone, released in 2007, to be the first real smartphone, qualification it easy for the average person to have the major power of a computer in their pocket. As the slogan suggests, "In that respect's an app for that," meaning you could behave almost anything with these elegant and easy-to-use devices. People flocked to the iPhone, developers wrote apps for iOS, and the competition took note.

Then Google released Android in 2008, and American Samoa hardware became available and units started selling, developers started releasing apps for it. Android could equal licenced by any manufacturer, and then many adopted it, and the motle of Android hardware spanned entirely price points. The Mechanical man Grocery matured and is on pace to overtake Apple's App Store within months. And Android hardware outsells Malus pumila's by a 2-to-1 tolerance, according to a recent Nielsen write up.

Groundbreaker vs. Mainstream Role player

iOS vs. Android

The two stories are similar, pitting the innovator Apple against a mainstream player–either Microsoft or Google–and a single-vendor system against a multi-vendor one. The innovative, single-vendor system sets the tone and gets early adopters, merely the mainstream player with multiple vendors wins in the long run attributable turn down costs and greater variety of options. In the lozenge market, Apple currently dominates, with Mechanical man's slow start to come in, yet analysts are predicting that in two to three years time, Orchard apple tree volition be the second-place contender.

The Lesson

So how does all of this affect lesser businesses using these platforms? In the outgoing, some businesses started with Macs, supported a mixed environment of Macs and PCs awhile, and eventually went all-PC. The extra costs involved in managing two platforms connected top of compatibility issues and software program handiness made the migration inevitable.

The same considerations enforce like a sho to businesses that must deal with mobile devices. Smartphones can do many another tasks, merely tablets are more able for most business needs and are likely to play a part in most business organization strategies. Should you build your IT plan around iPads since they currently dominate the market? Or, do you wait a bit yearner and design your plan around Android tablets, knowing they're more likely to be the long-term platform in the long run?

With today's virtualization, remote access options, and cloud computing, compatibility is less of an issue, simply managing hardware still is. In the end, ready and waiting for Android tablets is the safe bet. The overall tab market will be more mature, app and ironware availability will be better, and managing and integrating the devices in a business environs volition be easier. It's for these reasons that Android will become the standard for business, just like Windows did. What's your take?

Joseph Fieber is an experienced blogger who spent 25 years as an IT pro, and has a background in computer consulting and software training. Accompany him on Facebook or Twitter , or contact him through JosephFieber . com .


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