
Is A Digital Camera Back Available To Fit On Bronica Etrsi Body

I became interested in owning a organisation camera two years ago. A system photographic camera is one of those absurd, indigestible cameras that tin can be adjusted to whatever style of photography. After seeing all the Hasselblads and others out of my price range, I became interested in the Bronica ETRS lineup. First off, these are 645 cameras, meaning they have 15 images per curl instead of the 12 on a vi×6 photographic camera, or nine on a 67. Getting those extra shots per roll makes a big difference when y'all're shooting a wedding ceremony. iii extra images per roll doesn't sound similar a lot, just the extra existent manor on the 6×6 format is something that I don't actually ever utilize since I have to crop when printing anyways.

The next reason I was interested in the Bronica is because I could get this photographic camera with three lenses for less than one-half the price of a Hasselblad 500cm body. I thought if the build quality and lenses held up, and then this camera would be the all-time bargain camera on the marketplace. And I have to say, this camera has been nothing curt of fantastic.

I've used this camera for many photoshoots and take accomplished some brilliant results from it. And information technology's but every bit good for landscapes as information technology is for portraits, thanks to its lightweight compared to similar cameras, and tack-sharp lenses.

For portrait photographers, this camera also features a leaf shutter which can exist synced with a flash at all speeds! It's amazing to be able to shoot a portrait at ane/500 of a 2nd and f/ii.8 on a film camera — a characteristic almost unheard of until high-speed sync became bachelor on digital cameras.

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Zenza Bronica ETRS kit taken apart
The Zenza Bronica ETRS system camera I've been putting through the paces this past yr.

Pros and Cons of the Zenza Bronica ETRS and ETRSi, A.K.A, 'The Poor Human's Hasselblad'

This camera has been my become to every time I've needed a fleck more image quality. Information technology has well-nigh everything you could want in a system camera at a fraction the cost of the more popular versions. Having multiple backs ways that it's piece of cake to switch between movie stocks. If y'all're shooting Portra, simply discover the perfect place for an artsy B&W shot, you can simply switch to a different dorsum pre-loaded with a roll of HP5 and get the shot. As a portrait photographer, that feature has been a godsend.

Below is my honest review of using this camera for two years. I've put it through its paces, and have constitute some places where this camera actually shines, and some others where I only needed a unlike solution. Let'southward start with the Pros and Cons.

Pros Cons
Best bargain in medium format Arrangement Cameras Afterwards versions are plasticy
Abrupt lenses Can only shoot at 1/500th without a bombardment
Common battery Bulb and mirror lockup only available on ETRSi
645 means more frames per scroll of 120 film The maximum shutter speed is i/500th
Lightweight, easy to handle If the electronics fail, the camera is unrepairable
Adjustable to your needs
Foliage shutter allows flash sync at all speeds
A pros and cons list for the medium format Bronica ETR-serial cameras

What'due south the difference between the Bronica ETR, ETRS, and ETRSi?

The Bronica ETR was the company'due south commencement camera that used a foliage shutter built in the lens. The camera  was a skilful place to start, but many of the later versions have some pretty meaning advantages. If yous just want a basic camera without fancy additions like a lightmeter, mirror lockup, or seedling style, the ETR will exist perfect. This photographic camera features minimal electronics, which means at that place's very little to go wrong. If y'all read my commodity about Reveni Labs making the newest spot meter on the market, yous'll know a bit more about what tin can go wrong with pic photographic camera electronics.

The ETR line was initially launched in 1976, and went through iii major releases, the ETR, ETRS, and ETRSi. At that place are besides variations that didn't contain the removable dorsum, called the ETR-C.

The major difference betwixt the ETR, and later models like the ETRS and ETRSi, is that the newer cameras feature more advanced electronics and features. The ETRS and ETRSi can both use the Auto Exposure, or AE meters, which take a born light meter that can automatically adjust shutter speed based on the reading.

Notwithstanding, there are a couple of advanced features in the ETRSi that made information technology particularly useful for landscape photography, including a mirror lockup feature and bulb mode for exposures longer than 8s. The ETRSi is also the only version that allows TTL metering when using flash, which can be particularly useful for portrait photographers. The downside of the ETRSi is that it feels plasticy compared to older versions, which were fabricated with more metallic parts.

Shooting with an ETRS

Which version of the Bronica ETR serial is best for me?

All three cameras tin can use the same lenses, handles, viewfinders, and film backs. Simply any electronic features volition but be usable on the afterwards models. If you're a photographer looking to utilize cameras that are as electronic-free every bit possible, the ETR is the all-time bet. But for those looking to employ the camera for flash portraits and landscapes, the ETRSi is the all-time choice.

I personally don't recommend the 'C' models at this fourth dimension. The disability to use film backs and switch film mid-roll is a major drawback on these cameras. And at this time, the C versions aren't significantly cheaper than the not-C versions, and then I can't recommend them at this time.

Only no matter which photographic camera you lot go for, nigh of the fun is in modulating the Bronicas to fit your needs. Mine came with both a speed grip with the hot shoe wink holder, a camera back, and the AEII viewfinder with the born light meter. I took off the speed grip to save a scrap of weight and space in my camera bag. And personally, I've plant information technology a joy to use the hand crank instead of the speed grip. Holding the camera with two hands feels more natural to me than with the grip. Others volition definitely disagree.

Merely I believe my next buy for this camera volition be the waist-level viewfinder. I find myself oft using this photographic camera depression to the ground, and would have a much easier time focusing looking down rather than awkwardly laying on the basis using the viewfinder. The simply reason I haven't switched that out notwithstanding is because a waist-level finder costs every bit much as a new lens.

Personally, the best place I've found to buy cameras like the Bronica ETR series is from They apply a simple, unified, easy-to-understand rating organisation and have money-back guarantees on all of their qualified cameras. The technicians at KEH are all professional, and guarantee that you're going to get what you pay for.

eBay is another nifty place to buy a used photographic camera. If a photographic camera arrives at your doorstep not as described, eBay will always side with the buyer of the camera and event a render or refund. In many ways, eBay is more secure in the modern age than local sales at flea markets, or Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace where high-pressure sales tactics can cause y'all to make a jerky decision. Find the Bronica ETR-series camera here.

Qualified purchases when using these links practise earn LearnFilm.Photography a small commission every bit per my affiliate policy. They don't add together any cost to your purchases, and they allow me to keep this blog running.

The underside of the Zenza Bronica ETRS with the battery encompass off. This camera uses a standard A544 bombardment.

What type of battery does a Bronica ETR, ETRS, or ETRSi use?

When yous're purchasing a new pic camera, one of the biggest concerns is ever if you're going to be able to buy a battery that will allow the camera to function. Many cameras relied on battery technology that is no longer manufactured for safe, environmental, or other concerns. Luckily, the bombardment used in the Zenza Bronica ETR series cameras is likely more than popular today than information technology was when the camera was originally manufactured.

The Zenza Bronica ETR serial cameras require a single 4LR44 (a.k.a A544 Analeptic, or 28A Duracell) battery to operate the shutter mechanism. Without a battery, the camera can just shoot at 1/500th of a second. So the camera won't stop working if the battery dies, but it'll exist hard to become the proper exposure. In the ETR, it can be difficult to know when the battery is dead if you're shooting in daylight, as the shutter isn't as loud equally the mirror, making it hard to differentiate between the 1/125 and i/500 of a second. In the ETRS and ETRSi cameras, the bombardment will also power the viewfinder light meter.

What lenses are the best for the ETR system?

All of the lenses for the Bronica system are precipitous, especially when they're stopped downwardly one or 2 stops from wide open. The oldest lenses by Bronica are the MC line. Those ones tend to be less abrupt, and don't take as overnice of lens coats as newer PE lenses do.

If you purchase the Bronica every bit a kit with a couple of MC lenses, it's still going to have stellar functioning. Purchasing PE lenses will help you create sharper images with less flaring.

The beautiful thing with this organisation is that very few lenses on this system cost more than $250 USD. Meaning it's a dandy organisation for anyone looking to become high-quality drinking glass on a small budget. The top-of-the-line PE lenses are commonly only about $25-$50 more than the early MC lenses, and so I absolutely recommend spending a little extra to get superior operation.

645 Lens 135 equivalent
30mm 20mm
40mm 24mm
50mm 30mm
60mm 35mm
75mm 45mm
105mm 65mm
135mm 85mm
150mm 95mm
180mm 110mm
200mm 125mm
250mm 155mm
500mm 310mm
645 has a 0.62075x crop factor compared with 35mm. These conversions are to the nearest standard 35mm focal length, every bit about have a ane or 2 mm departure.

The camera comes stock with a 75mm f2.8 lens, which is roughly equivalent to a 50mm lens on a 35mm photographic camera. The lens is an absolute dream to employ, and has been ane of my favorites to proceed on this photographic camera at all times. I've also loved using the 40mm (24mm on 135) lens, which is perfect for vast landscapes and street photography. The wider lenses are typically short and extremely portable. While the longer, telephoto lenses like the 200mm PE F/4.5 (125mm on 135) tin can be fairly long.

All of the Bronica lenses are built similar tanks. These are lenses that are all metal and drinking glass built, making them good to handle in all atmospheric condition. That means even a relatively banged-upwards lens is still likely to perform well. But if you're buying on the used marketplace, it's yet always better to pay a little extra for a lens that's been well taken care of.

What are the drawbacks of the Bronica ETR series?

The Zenza Bronica 200 F4.five PE lens coating reflecting the lite.

The Bronica ETR organization cameras are an incredible value for well-nigh photographers out at that place. Portrait photographers peculiarly will beloved the leaf shutter mechanism that allows them to apply flash at high shutter speeds. And information technology's an accented must for wedding photographers, because of its small-scale size, lightweight, 645 flick size, and interchangeable backs.

But this camera doesn't hold upwards in every situation. For one, the maximum shutter speed is only i/500th of a second. Well-nigh film photographers have learned to stop downwards their aperture and go on shooting. But for professionals who need the very all-time image quality every time, stopping downwardly too far can cause problems with diffraction, which ruins sharpness and dissimilarity forth the lens.

This wearisome shutter speed as well means that it's not a skillful camera organisation for anyone shooting sports, action, or wild animals. 1/500 of a second is not fast enough to freeze action, like birds in flying.

For landscape photographers, it's essential to look for the Bronica ETRSi version. The ETRS and ETR tin simply keep the shutter open for eight seconds, which isn't most long enough to blur clouds in the sky. Of course, you tin can get around that by flipping the double exposure switch and shooting two 8 second exposures, but information technology'southward not going to get as skilful of results as one continuous minute-long exposure.

And the other upshot is the mirror itself. The ETR series camera mirrors shakes the camera hard when the shutter is released. The camera shake from the mirror slapping twice during a single long exposure would exist a death penalty for image sharpness. The ETRSi version also has a switch for mirror lockup, which will significantly reduce camera shake in long exposure mural photography.

ETR Lenses in a lineup.

For portrait, wedding, and landscape photographers, the Bronica ETRS and ETRSi are the best deal in system cameras right now. This camera is an amazing deal with sharp lenses, interchangeable backs, and a vivid viewfinder. I have had a lot of fun using this camera, and have bought boosted lenses to add to my kit.

As to why this photographic camera isn't more popular, I'm not sure. Nigh of the drawbacks that exist for this camera are because of the shutter speed only being as fast as 1/500th of a 2nd. But all of the foliage-shutter organization cameras from the aforementioned time have this aforementioned limitation. Even the Mamiya 645n, which was a direct competitor, just managed to get a ane/500th shutter speed with a material focal-plane shutter, which only had a flash sync speed at 1/60th.

The Bronica is the perfect camera for photographers looking for a system camera on a budget. And I admittedly recommend picking up an ETRS camera to add to your collection, as this camera is not going to stay this cheap for long.

By Daren

Daren is a journalist and wedding photographer based in Vancouver, B.C. He's been taking personal and professional person photos on motion picture since 2017 and began developing and printing his own photos after wanting more command than what local labs could offer.


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